5 Design Pallet Ideas for Videos

5 Design Pallet Ideas for Videos

Instagram is pivoting to full length videos. Content Creators are going to have to shift as well. Here are 5 idea prompts to get you recording in the right direction!
With Instagram’s newest changes you might be thinking to yourself,  “How am I
going to add videos to my page?” Here are 5 idea prompts to incorporate more videos into your feed. Be sure to make notes on different variants that emerge from the time filming. Then go back to them when you need inspiration in the future.

1. Teasers

When working on a product or project give a sneak peek to your audience to get them excited about what’s coming! These sneak peeks can be video clips, bloopers or pictures thrown into an app to create a “video” slide show. An added benefit of posting “Teasers” is that they encourage users to come back to your page for the final product.

2. Time Lapse

While you are working, set up your phone to record a time lapse so that your followers can see the whole process of your work!  Then speed it up accordingly.  These are great assets for Reels and stories as well.  Viewers find these types of videos very satisfying.  If you are struggling to see how your daily work could be even remotely interesting take note of the cleanTok trend on TikTok!  

3. Get Ready With Me

While you get ready for the day record yourself and talk about anything you want your followers to know! Include products you love, upcoming plans, exciting news. Who doesn’t love watching make up application? 💋 

4. A Day in the Life

Similar to the “Get Ready with Me” videos, filming “A Day in the Life” can help build community by giving them the inside scoop. The stronger the community, the more loyal people are to your brand. The more loyal your community is the stronger and quicker the growth will be. 

5. How To

Everybody loves a “How To” Video! Don’t assume that people already know the process you use to execute daily tasks.  There are so many things you do in your daily life that would make for fun “How to’s”. Watering the plants, scheduling your daily tasks, ordering your lunch online, and the timely, how to appropriately wash your hands, are all great ideas.

"We are no longer a photo sharing app...we will be leaning into entertainment and video in the next six months”.

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5 Design Pallet Ideas for Videos

Instagram is pivoting to full length videos. Content Creators are going to have to shift as well. Here are 5 idea prompts to get you recording in the right direction!

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